Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 14, 2010

So it is official I older than a quarter of a century. This birthday was very different than the past. It was my first as a mom and I must say it was the best birthday to date. I spent the whole weekend with great friends and my little guy.

Today marks the 16 week mark and after a rough first trimester I am finally starting to feel more "normal". I am still worn out but I think it has a lot to do with work and trying to keep up with a very adventurous little boy. Will has started to pull up on everything and has no fear when trying to jump off of the couch, bed or whatever he might be sitting on. He is also going through a very sweet mommy phase and wants me to hold him whenever in site.

Update on baby 2. He or she is growing and so far looks healthy. We did play with the ultrasound at work yesterday and we have a very good idea what the sex is. I will have to wait 3 more weeks to know for sure. I am excited to see if we are right. I did start to feel the little tator tot last week which is a lot sooner than I did with William. I know I just went through this but it is still an amazing feeling to know there is a little person inside. I still smile when I feel the little flutter and can't wait when the kicks really start.

Well I guess that is a quick review of what is going on in the Breland household. Next update I will hopefully have pictures and more news of baby 2 :)

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